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Buy handpicked high-quality APIs, Logical Components, Systems to improve Product ROI by reducing time to market.

Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and GPT-3. We support all.

We will provide you with every API's and its Logical Components that you require to build better products.

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Build 🛠 v/s Buy 🛍

If you are paying or earning $400 a day to or as a developer then your hourly pay rate is $50.

If you are building an authentication system or a Stripe Integration, or even analyzing the IP address of a user, which is far from your core product development, then it's not worth your time.

When you should be focused on building your core product, but you'll end up spending most of your time building housekeeping services.

With Json API APP Marketplace, you can buy at a much economical rate with a guaranteed 99% SLA, pay per usage in the case of APIs or license a Logical Component/System Code, built by handpicked high-quality developers.

API's are ok. But What are Logical Components? 🤷‍♂️

  • Set of Functions, Classes, which follows the single-responsibility principle that can easily integrate with any tech stack, is a Logical Components.
  • Logical Components splits your backend system into independent, reusable pieces that can run in isolation without interrupting any other part of the system.
  • A well-written piece of code that follows strict security & best practices guidelines. You can start using it without any hassle.
  • Eg:
  • You can take code from GitHub/Internet but still, you need to tweak a lot and check for test cases, security and coding standards, built by unknown developers and may not be well maintained/upgraded.
  • With Json API App hand-picked components, integrations will take less than an hour.

How it'll work for you? 👀

  • Explore and find API or a Logical Components from our Marketplace that can solve your problem.
  • Every offering has a Testing Studio.
  • You can subscribe to APIs as per the pricing plans. Components are available for licensing.
  • Start using it right away with 99% SLA in case of APIs.
  • All components follow strict security, coding rules, guidelines, and best practices with 100% test coverage.
  • Facing any issues? Contact us for 1:1 code debug support.
  • With goto market product/feature in a couple of days time, your ROI improves exponentially.

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